Mexican Spotted Owl Leaders Forum Webinar

FYI, this cam in today…. Steve ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On behalf of the Forest Service Southwestern Region and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, you are cordially invited to attend the virtual Mexican Spotted Owl Leaders Forum Webinar. Where: You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 9:00 AM  – 12:00 PM Mountain … Read more

Agreement sets new model for managing national forests, path to recovery for threatened Mexican spotted owls

This issue has been discussed on this blog numerous times…and will certainly continued to be discussed. SANTE FE, NEW MEXICO—WildEarth Guardians, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reached an agreement (here and here) to resolve a major legal dispute over threatened Mexican spotted owls and national forest protection in New Mexico and … Read more

A Closer Look at the Mexican Spotted Owl CBD-Forest Service Agreement

Many thanks to Jon for finding and linking to this interesting document that describes the Mexican Spotted Owl Leadership Forum notes.  First.. who’s at the table. Looks like CBD, the FS, the USFWS, representatives of Eastern Arizona counties, timber industry, and I’m not sure of the affiliation of the others.  Maybe this is “the room … Read more

Mexican Spotted Owl Case: Monitoring, Biological Opinions, Firewood Cutting and Transparency

Matthew posted the WEG press release here..with links to other posts on the case. Frankly, I have never really understood ESA litigation. Maybe Jon and others can help me understand via this case. 1. From what I’ve read, this case is about the FS (and FWS?) not monitoring/improving the status of the MSO. But some … Read more

Judge Rules Agencies Failing to Ensure Recovery of Mexican Spotted Owl in Violation of Endangered Species Act

Here’s a press release from WildEarth Guardians about an issue that has been discussed on this blog before. Santa Fe, NM – A Federal District Court Judge in Arizona ruled on September 11 that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service have shirked their responsibilities to ensure that Forest Service management … Read more

Continued: More Questions on the Mexican Spotted Owl Litigation

Thanks to MD For this E&E news article: I put some questions and comments in italics. AN E&E PUBLISHING SERVICE ENDANGERED SPECIES: Judge halts forest projects in Mexican spotted owl habitat (Thursday, January 12, 2012) Three tree removal projects planned within Mexican spotted owl habitat in Arizona and New Mexico cannot go forward until the … Read more

Thinning, Rx Fire, and Owls

This study looks at Mexican spotted owls, a subspecies of the northern spotted owl. Open access paper from Fire Ecology: Frequent burning and limited stand-replacing fire supports Mexican spotted owl pair occupancy Abstract Changing fire regimes have the potential to threaten wildlife populations and communities. Understanding species’ responses to novel fire regimes is critical to … Read more

RMRS: Spotted Owls, Wildfire, and Forest Restoration

New report from the Rocky Mountain Research Station: “Through the Smoke: Spotted Owls, Wildfire, and Forest Restoration”. Lots of focus on Mexican spotted owls, but also their cousins. KEY FINDINGS Wildfires are likely to increase in extent or severity, or both, throughout most of the range of the spotted owl, indicating a potential for large-scale … Read more

Conservation group, agencies reach ‘understanding’ on spotted owl

From the Santa Fe New Mexican…. Excerpt: An environmental advocacy group has agreed to drop its pending lawsuit that accused federal agencies of planning forestry projects that could harm the Mexican spotted owl. The bird’s nesting grounds on national forest land in New Mexico and Arizona have become hotly contested battlegrounds. A separate complaint alleging … Read more